
Place Names of Calne: Buckeridge's Steps

Buckeridge's Steps
Between 1876 and 1988, three generations of the Buckeridge family ran a shop that began as a grocer's and wine and spirit merchants business, at the corner of Market Hill.

Kelly's Directory, 1915
The business started with Albert Wilkinson Buckeridge (1838-1923). After the First World War, his son, Launcelot John (1886-1977), took over the business. Following the Second World War, Launcelot's sons, David, Paul, and Ted went into partnership, running the business until they sold the business upon retirement in 1988.

This was a successful business, which had a bottling plant and warehouse at the back of the shop and up in Castle Street. All beers and wine would arrive in large containers, to be transferred to smaller bottles and labelled. This included Guinness, with the Buckeridge's being one of the few licensed to bottle this drink under their own name. Along with supplying the local clubs and pubs with drinks, they were also known for their cheeses.

Cheese is something they decided to specialise in, along with wine and beer, when the supermarkets began to appear in the 1960s.

After 1988, the shop became Unwins, followed by the New Wine Shop. Unfortunately the shop was left empty in 2019, and we await a new occupant in this prominent shop.

For 112 years, this family business, at a prominent location, was an important part of Calne's history. In addition to the shop, they had a . So, it seems only right that these steps are known for the family that would have used this route so often.

Information from Calne Heritage Centre