Last year, two flag related issues came to light:
1) That there was no process for residents to apply for flags to be flown on Calne Town Council land or buildings.
2) That we as a Council had never flown Pride flags.
In an attempt to provide a standardised and simple way to apply for flags to be flown, and to ensure that the Pride flag would be flown as standard during Pride month each June, I drafted a flag policy, which includes and application form. I presented this in November 2022, where is was adopted at the Governance, Policy & Resources Committee.
It is now available on the Calne Town Council website.
For more information, please contact the council.
Thanks to the Director of Council Services for reviewing and commenting on my draft and for my fellow councillors for passing through my proposal for this policy, which will be reviewed annually by CTC Officers to ensure that it continues to be fit for purpose.
Updated to Add: In February 2024, the Calne Pride Committee prompted a discussion which led to the Flag Policy being amended to use the Progress Pride Flag in addition to the standard flag.
The minutes for the Full Council meeting of 26 February 2024 note:
"It was proposed by Cllr Conway, seconded by Cllr Fisher and UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED to approved the amended flag policy to include the progress flag and to accept Cllr Merrick’s offer to purchase and donate the progress flags, and that the rainbow and progress flags and approved successors can be flown together during Pride month/ LGBT History Month."