
Councillor Work: Bryans Close Road - Oxford Road Alleyway

Last year I was contacted by a resident regarding the alleyway connecting Bryans Close Road and Oxford Road.

The resident had been weeding the alleyway next to her property for years, but felt she was perhaps getting too old to continue.
After some research, I discovered that the alleyway is actually the responsibility of the four properties that adjoint it.
In this case, GreenSquareAccord are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of one quarter of the alleyway.
In response, GreenSquareAccord acknowledged this by sending a letter thanking the resident for her work over the years. They also confirmed that their part of the alleyway will be regularly visited and maintained by their Grounds Maintenance Team.
The largest single landowner in Calne is Wiltshire Council, so reporting issues to MyWilts, when you don't know the landowner, is always a good start:

If you have similar issues, but discover that the land in question is not the responsibility of Wiltshire Council, please do get in touch via email.