
Timeline Calne: 9 November 1937, Calne's First Woman Mayor

Edith Spackman. Mayoral Portrait, 1937.
Calne Town Council Collection.
It was Alderman Strange who said that the ancient Borough of Calne was about to open a new page in its book of history as he proposed Mrs. Edith Mary Spackman as Mayor.

Mrs Spackman, a nurse and first female councillor for Calne, was said to have a wide experience of public service, along with a warm interest in the spiritual and material welfare of the town. At the time Spackman was made mayor, she had served on the council for eight years. Mr. Stanley, who seconded her nomination, wanted it known that in the previous five year, Spackman had attended 200 meetings out of a possible 211. She sat on the Health and Housing Committee, the Gas and Electricity Committee, and the Rating Committee.

It was Mrs. Spackman and other women of the town who had previously raised a substantial sum of money when the Brigade required new uniforms.

Clearly a worthy person for the Mayoral Chair, Mrs. Spackman was unanimously elected as Mayor of Calne on 9 November 1937.

'Calne's First Woman Mayor'  Wiltshire Times and Trowbridge Advertiser, Saturday 13 November 1937 [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0001557/19371113/085/0005 [Accessed on 14 January 2020]