
Book Review: Calne - Living Memories by Dee La Verdera

This book, published in 2004, was supported by subscribers and authored by prior Calne English teacher, Dee La Vardera. It uses the extensive Francis Frith back catalogue, which includes any photographs of Calne and the local area. The majority of the photographs are from the 1950s and 1960s, but some do go back many decades prior to that as well as up to 2003, with some taken by the author.

The book is partitioned into chapters including a brief history of C & T Harris and chapters on various streets in the centre of Calne before venturing out to the villages.

The captions are nicely detailed and help to provide context for the life and times during which the photographs were taken. Along with photographs, scans of invoices, etc are often included next to photographs of shops or old business premises.

I always enjoy wandering back in time via old photographs and this book was enjoyed by myself and my wife (whom the author taught for a couple of years).

This book is another nice addition to the photograph books previously released for Calne and worth a thorough browse.