In this fourth book of historic photographs of Calne, Peter Treloar presents another fantastic collection.
This book makes a break with the previous small form factor book and is an A4-sized book in paper and hardback. This allows for some photographs to be enlarged all the way up to A4, which allows for seeing smaller details, and also allows for multiple images per page and more detailed captions. A worthwhile change in my opinion.
Along with the standard historical photographs, illustrations of Calne through the period are included as are scans of old documents. One of particular interest is image 76, which is a Great Western Railway notice regarding the Royal visit of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra during 1907 and the special instructions to ensure the security of the station.
This book also includes some photos all the way up to the publication of the book, which was published in 1988 and manages to include photos of the Prince of Wales' visit to Calne in March of that year to inspect the plans for the Calne Project.
All 188 images in the book are accompanied by Peter's detailed captions, which provide a wealth of historical information and references back to relevant photos in previous books.
This book is a pleasure to read and while I never knew Peter, I feel a passion coming through the pages that keep me wanting yet more images and information about Calne!